BBQ in Brockwell Park
Created by mattedit 11 years ago
There are many occasions that I remember spending with Simon, some probably best not talked about (in the best possible sense:) but one in particular stands out for me. My wife Shaila and I and our young baby Sofia met Simon, Cathy and the boys in Brockwell Park for a BBQ. Being a new dad, I was watching how Simon interacted with his boys. He was fun, caring, interested and above all so very loving, which shone through. That was the moment that I decided if I was going to be a good dad, I would need to be like Simon. I try my best to be that way now with my 4 children (blessed) and I will be forever grateful for this fine lesson in life. God bless you Simon. With love from Matt, Shy, Fia, Zain, Weefy and Ibu. XXxxxx